3Xplanet 3xplanet.com is dedicated to Asian porn clips, so if you like watching Asian porn, you will surely enjoy what 3xplanet.com has to offer. From basic porn to hentai and a lot of other shit, there is really a lot of content for you to explore here. But like any site, there are always ups and downs, and I will tell you here the good and bad sides of visiting 3xplanet.com... However, their entire content revolves around Asians, so I am not sure how anyone can not like this place.
I mean, this all depends on your personal desires and all that shit, but for the most part, I am pretty sure you will enjoy the shit that 3xplanet.com has to offer. I'm a little biased when it comes to reviews because I like to watch Asian porn, but I'll tell you everything you need to know when it comes to the technical stuff... Whether you like the content or not is something I cannot predict.
Very simple place, yet full of content.
First of all I have to mention the fact that this is not a place to watch porn, but a place where you can download everything to your PC or any other device. This won't be free, but at the same time, it really isn't that expensive either, and we'll talk about that a little later. First, why does 3xplanet.com look so old and outdated?
It's not that hard to make an attractive site, and needless to say, this shit should have been a lot easier since this is just a download site. Well, at least it's simple enough that even an idiot can understand what's going on, so no offense intended, but surely everyone knows what the hell 3xplanet.com is and how this site works.
As for those wondering why download sites still exist, it's really that simple, not everyone is a privileged prick with a high-speed Internet connection that can stream everything without buffering. Do you know how frustrating that moment is when the video starts buffering? I speak from experience because I used to have a very bad internet connection and fortunately that has changed.
But people still living in the stone age don't know that it's much better to watch something online than to download it. On the other hand, some people prefer to build a porn collection and watch what they want, when they want. In other words, this is a matter of preference, and some people like to download porn just as much as I like to wave my dick at pretty Asian girls.
All the options you need are at the top, and from there you can see what this site has to offer. So 3xplanet.com was fresh to visit.
However, this is a place made for people who want to download, so if you were expecting to see real Asian porn, you are choosing the wrong site. There are many other review sites on my site and you are more than welcome to explore them. Some of them are free Asian porn sites where you can watch this crap online.
So what kind of content can you download from 3xplanet.com?
If you like Asian porn, you'll love 3xplanet.com. Sure, there is a special section for Western girls, but these clips are pretty basic... And why visit a site specifically for Asians and scroll through the western section... It makes no fucking sense; even less so than the fact that they offer a section in the first place.
Of course, all of the Asian beauties on this site are Asian beauties, but the scenes they appear in are completely different, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference. However, I spent a lot of time browsing through their naughty shit, and I'm happy to tell you all the naughty shit I saw, and believe me, there was a lot.
There are some basic search options at the top of the site, but I must say I was disappointed to see that they weren't that good in their overall search. You only have crap on the top, which is really the only search that is useful. Other than that, there are a few options on the side, but if you ask me, that crap is pretty useless.
I feel like a broken record, but at least creating plain category pages is really fucking hard. It's a free site, so that's fine, but it wouldn't be that fucking hard to create a plain category page. Right now, you can choose whether you want to scroll through H-games, hentai (Japanese porn anime), jav uncensored, jav censored, or western porn. Of course, there is also a search box, but we all know about that damn feature. As for the content, I was pleased with the variety on offer, but at the same time it was kind of hard to be satisfied with that stuff as I kept scrolling and scrolling until I found something I was happy with.
The first video I opened was of a hot babe with a huge ass. Of course, I was able to see this after I downloaded the video because before downloading you can see some information about the clip, such as the porn star's name, studio, language, number of downloads, etc....
In another clip, a typical schoolgirl is ready to bend over for her teacher, and after a while some of the students join in the fun. Also, the Chinese and Korean beauties were horny and happy to get down to business. Some of the video shadplots are a bit more daring than others ...... I guess it depends on the video you choose.
Other than the fact that you have to scroll and scroll to find the crap you have to download, I think this site pretty much offers everything you would expect it to. It has many great porn videos featuring the naughtiest Asian cuties and there is a western section for all the mainstream men out there.
Downloading is not free.
As I briefly mentioned, the downloads here are not free, which is a shame if you ask me. However, I can see where 3xplanet.com would benefit from not offering free content. They have to make a living one way or another because there are not many ads or pop-ups on this site. Most likely you have two different download sites and they both have almost the same price.
The first download site is called uploadgig.com and there are four different membership offers there. mx-sh.net, another download site, is the same, a few dollars apart, but almost the same price.
3xplanet.com is a site without a valid search option, but that would be forgivable since they offer so many great Asian porn videos. However, you can't watch anything on this site, you have to download it to your PC after becoming a member with one of the two downloads available. Overall, I think that if you are ready to spend some money on high quality downloads, you can love all the naughty Asian porn videos that 3xplanet.com offers: I certainly did.
- Free browsing
- The design is crappy