There's only one reason to visit Hard GIF, and this porn site understands it well. They understand why you're here, what you're doing, and they don't want to waste your fucking time. That's why when you go to the Hard GIF site, you know right away where to go and what to do.
Hard GIF isn't trying to do anything out of the ordinary. For these kinds of image boards, simplicity is key, and this site understands that. That's why you'll see the best and hottest porn on the front page, just like ThePornDude.
Be prepared for the fact that when you first look at the Hard GIF home page, you'll find so much content there that you won't know where to start. That's a very good problem, if you ask me. However, when you first look at this site, it may seem like overkill. Between endless GIFs and sexy images showing the absolute sexiest and best parts of porn videos, clips and galleries, this is a great collection of content that will absolutely make you want to launch your dick where you sit.
The selection of GIFs and images in Hard GIFs is truly amazing. This shit will turn you on no matter what mood you're in. So if you're craving an endless supply of awesome hot GIFs, Hard GIF will give you exactly what you want.
One of the amazing facts about Hard GIFs is that they won't leave you hanging when you want to see more of a certain type of GIF. Many GIFs have a source (more on that later), which can be very helpful. If, like me, you get so excited when you see a certain GIF that you have to strain not to throw it away, know that you can often find the source of that particular GIF.
In other words, you can see the origin of that video. Remember, however, that the sources are never updated. Thus, if the original video has been removed from the source site, you won't be able to access it. But that's where the comments section comes in handy (hang on, motherfucker, I'll get to it in a minute).
A lot of the material has sources.
As you browse through the GIFs and images one by one, you'll notice that most of the content on Hard GIFs is taken from other sites. What's more, if you select the 'Sourced from' tab at the top of the page, you can only view content sourced from other sources. This is a great way to make it even easier to find the original full versions of GIFs that make you want to wet your pants. However, as mentioned before, just because the source of the content is displayed doesn't mean it's always available.
Sometimes the original content is not available. Sometimes videos are deleted. Sometimes that happens. But that's why Hard GIF has a comments section to support you. Each file page has a comments section where you can easily find out everything you want to know about the content.
In the comments section, you can ask questions about the content you want to know more about. We've also noticed that in many cases there are links to newer content sources. So, even if the source is out of date, the comments section usually lists an alternative source. Thus, if the content source is out of date, you can find active alternative sources in the comments section.
It's also a great way to learn more about the characters in a GIF while finding reliable links. Betas love to discuss how much they fuck porn stars in their videos. Just browse the comments section to see what you can find, and that's part of the fun here.
High-quality GIFs and images.
You've probably guessed that Hard GIFs have plenty of GIFs and images just waiting for you to wet your pants, but is the content that good. Sure, they're pretty darn good.
The content on this site is supremely sexy and also very fashionable. Sure, Hard GIFs have a lot of content to look at on the site. But none of that matters if the content is substandard.
On that note, you can rest easy with Hard GIFs, where you'll find the most incredible fuckable GIFs and images you can find. You won't have to worry about seeing crappy GIFs and images that don't do their job, because they look damn good. You can enjoy great content within minutes, right after you launch.
If you want to watch content that will make you instantly ejaculate in your pants, you'll find it here. This kind of content is perfect for those spurts when you don't want to wait for the video to buffer and you want something exciting. It's perfect for those situations, and we think you'll like what you find here at Hard GIF.
Sort the content by best of
You'll also find that the sorting options on Hard GIF are easy to figure out.Again, you can find it at the top of the page. But instead of sorting content by most viewed, longest (which makes no sense, since everything is short), etc., Hard GIF lets you sort content by best of.
There's nothing complicated about it, and it works -- if you want to sort content by best in Hard GIF, all you have to do is select the time frame by which you want to sort. Then click on the drop-down menu labeled "best of" to see the dates by which you can sort -- you can sort the best content by 24 hours, week, month, or all time frames. To get an idea of the hottest shit on the site, we recommend looking at the best content of all time first. You can also browse "hottest" and "newest" Hard GIF content, so you can easily find the latest and most popular jerk off content.
But that's not the only way to categorize Hard GIF content. In fact, you'll find that you can choose the type of content you want to view: you can choose GIFs (videos), images, estimates, or all together. It couldn't be easier.
Unfortunately, however, there are a few things I don't agree with. They are not serious problems. However, you will notice that there is no auto-play slideshow feature. Nor is there a random section that actually works. The slideshow feature is not required, but message boards like Hard GIF essentially require it. Perhaps Hard GIF can add it in the near future.
The biggest problem is the random section. In fact, the content in this section is not randomized. Indeed, content is randomized when tabs are clicked, but no new content is loaded when the page is refreshed. This means that the same videos are always displayed, which is a serious problem. It doesn't make sense for a random section. Hard GIFs should solve this problem and make them functional.
Hard GIFs is a porn site with an amazing abundance of videos (GIFs) and images waiting for you to masturbate. It adds an insane amount of new shit and content every day. Unfortunately, the random section is useless because it's not really random. Also, the lack of an auto-play slideshow feature is a missed opportunity - Hard GIF should fix these problems and make the site even more useful.
- Good sorting options