My porn bible. Since new porn sites are popping up left and right, you need a place where we can get all of these sites in one place. Or rather, we need a site where we can explore different options for each category of porn site. We know the popular porn sites, but what if we want to learn about a new one or a porn site we've never heard of? The answer is right here in the form of the porn site index. Today we present, the world's best porn index site.
Welcome to TPD the poor man's TPD.
Oh, wait, I'm not talking about my site. So which site are we talking about? Yes,, the poor man's TPD, and I don't want to pick on the My Porn Bible people, but let's be real, I don't need all the other porn index sites because my site already exists. But since this site exists, I might as well see what's out there. There probably aren't that many, and not the ones that don't already offer it, so we're safe in that regard.
The best Google+ porn, are you kidding me?
Wait, here's what you won't find here. The most visited porn pages on Google+... Really, Dushita, you're going to beat me over the head with your Google+ nonsense. I don't think anyone in the world has ever thought about it themselves." I don't think anyone ever thought, "Let's spread porn on Google+." Yeah, that seems like the best place to do it. "Tumblr bans NSFW content. At least for now.
Come to think of it, all the best indie porn was on Tumblr. Now it's all gone. Well, I guess it's coming back to Newgrounds. Do you guys remember when it went viral? Yes, I was a member. But times have changed, and now we have a real site, and we can enjoy all the pornographic content we want, and we don't have to rely on social media platforms, we don't have to rely on Google+ pages, we don't have to have Google+ pages, we don't have to have Google+ pages, we don't have to have Google+ pages, we don't have to have Google+ pages, we don't have to have Google+ pages.
This place is too rosy for anyone's taste.
Anyway, I digress, let's get back to and why it sucks. Sorry, that's a little too straightforward. But can someone explain to me why this site exists? This place is... It's good for Pink fans, isn't it? And Google+, yes. I'm struggling to explain it rationally, but it's just not working right now. I think I need to analyze this place more and see if there's anything positive about it.
As for the design, it's really pink. That's all I can say. I think it's great for people who like the color pink, which is homosexuals. I mean, I don't want to stereotype the color, but I would say that pink is a totally gay color. Like I don't think there is We've talked about this before, but why would you think it's a good idea to add that?
The layman doesn't even know how to properly categorize some sites.
Not only that, but they're not right.