I can't say it better than the author of this site." is a free sex comic site that hosts many different artworks and stories produced in a wide range of interesting art styles. Though the main focus of the site is usually on comic style material. It's a mixed bag to say the least!" . This description continues on the landing page, so you'll learn a lot more about this platform before you go in. You may be wondering why I say "enter" when you are already in, in the landing section. This area has an age verification button and you can only enter if you say how old you are. If you are under 18, seriously, fuck yourself and be gone.
When you enter you will be asked to exit AdBlocker. You know I hate ads! That's why I use AdBlocker. You want me to disable it on your site? But why would you do that? Why ruin my clean experience on your page? Hmmm! Let's look at the good and the bad of lots and lots of Indian porn cartoons on the site. The layout makes the site look like a blog, so you get three additional columns on the home page. Each piece displays a thumbnail, a description, and the date of upload. If you want to go further and further, just scroll down. In other words, there is no menu on this site to move from one page to another.
As you can see, PornTComic is a content-rich site. And the graphics found in these comics, oh, I'm not a big fan of sex comics, but I can appreciate the art! And here's the damned thing: I'm not a big fan of sex comics. But I can appreciate the art! And here's the thing, it's fucking art! The people who created these series are talented. The people who made these series are talented, that's for sure! Episode after episode after episode! You need to have some free time because the fun never ends!
What happened when 24-year-old Andrew celebrated his birthday at a strip club in Arkansas? His friends set up a "go-fund-me" page for this shy guy to lose his virginity and barely make the $20 he needed to hire a local black crack whore, aka porn star "Jasmin". We've probably just witnessed the biggest circus event since the rack-induced Trump won the presidency from feminist cult leader "Hillary Clinton" and let American freedom fester again.
Anyway, if you are like me and only touch the best, now is not the time to touch this "garbage". Don't say I didn't warn you. The content on these websites may be fappable, but you could be bombarded with excessive (malware) ads and video players streaming sex movies at speeds slower than your grandma's 56K internet in the 90s. Do you like to fap in a slideshow that stutters every 5 seconds? Do you like closing pop-up windows every time you refresh a page? Do you want to see a website that has no decent features and looks uglier than Kim Kardashian without makeup? I don't like that.
PornDude, what other porn listings are listed here?
I see you've noticed the cheap imitations that try to emulate my success. You know the Dutch saying, "Tall trees catch the wind". Flattery is like a cockroach appearing every time ThePornDude farts. You know how much these obnoxious insects love (my) shit and that it is their only creation. Witness their lack of creativity and originality and be amazed at their ability to copy and paste Chinese.
It is as if you are viewing an inferior version of ThePornDude created by a retard. How can they feel pride in copying someone else's work? Are these small dick complex bastards jealous of my fame and the amount of pussy I fuck on a daily basis? I guess it's the millennial "I get trophies just for getting out of bed in the morning" mentality. Look, Mom...I did an impersonation of ThePornDude. Please, praise me. Mama should kick you in the balls for being such a lazy leech, you fucking parasite.
If you want to laugh at the "real thing", how dare you torture yourself with this "PornDude" imitation. It's like fucking "Lady Gaga" when you can fuck "Kylie Jenner"...on a scale of 1 to 10, why don't you just give her a 0? Anyway, remember, motherfuckers, there is only one porn king, and no one can take my throne.
Except for a few issues (e.g. AdBlocker removal requests), PornTComic is a unique online place where sex is mixed with drawing pens. Exclusive material and good layout. Click!
- Lots of content
- Regular updates
- Amazing graphics
- Ads!