Sex Guruji The light of sex is divine. This would be literally. Yes, it's an Indian site, with "desi" porn and "desi" girls, and I don't know what "desi" means. I'm not a Google translator, so if you want to enlighten me about the word Desi, you know where Google is. Kill it. In the meantime, I'm going to review sites like this PornHub, and I say PornHub because, well, once you're on the site, you'll know what it means. How hard is it to put the letters Guruji on an orange background. It literally takes five seconds. Anyway, go to the site. Follow along.
Now this site is built on WordPress. How do I know that. Well, we've just come to the last page of the site, page 103, and if you've used WordPress before, you're familiar with the Hello World message. If you haven't, it will say, "Welcome to WordPress. This is your first message. Please edit or delete it before you start writing." The message "This is a WordPress site" is probably big enough to indicate that it is WordPress. That doesn't mean it's made by this site builder, it means it doesn't even try to delete the first post and any comments left on it. This tells me that the moderators are probably outsourcers and are hired for a few dollars a day. My point is that it gives the wrong impression, and when the police are investigating on your property, the bastards better be ready. Shit like this never gets past me.
It's a regular site that tries to outdo Porn Hub but has Hindu content.
This site has potential. That's what I want to say from the beginning, and that's why I'm willing to promote it. In this review, I will point out all the things that need to be fixed and all the positives. I will only put my name on the best ones, not on any fakes, and by fakes of Pornhub I mean that the logo is copied verbatim. Nevertheless, for those of you unfamiliar with marketing, brand recognition is exactly that. The Indian market is huge - literally billions. If you have a website that appeals to the general public, but targets your main target audience, Indians, you may have a great chance of winning. Now you see why my name is there.
When you open the site, you'll see an easy-to-read layout. The videos appear immediately and are playable. Most of the videos are Indian porn, which I don't mind. I like the spots on the Indian girl's head. I like the spot on top of the urinal where it is set up to urinate on it. When a man uses a gun, he has to aim it. The same goes for the spots on the foreheads of Indian girls. The man has to aim the crosshairs at the target.
What I don't like at all is the quality of the videos. They are all low quality. When you start streaming, you can expect a pause during the download, which alsoIt only took me a few clicks on this site to understand all the behind-the-scenes operations going on outside of it. If they want to make money and not just put an affiliate link in the headline, something has to be their UVO. A unique value proposition. Oh, and they have about 3500+ videos on their site. It must be hard for an external employee to upload more than a few videos a day. does the best they can. I can imagine the poor outsourcer working for some beans driving himself crazy trying to figure out what he needs to do on But all these mistakes are just a grain of salt in the ocean when it comes to an audience of over four billion people. Who cares. They'll click on it. And this site has 1,810 videos related to India, if the video counter in the WordPress plugin is to be believed. That 4 billion outweighs a few inconsequential misses.