Betas would like to see with their own eyes how I grab a slut from behind by her hair and push her into my cock, or poke her in her pussy while I spank her ass from behind. Some of you couples have never seen this view. It's like an allegorical land for you nerds. But don't worry, one day the hooker will take pity on you and let you fuck her a few times before you put your charge into her unsatisfying pussy. We all start somewhere. Some, well, some just start much lower than others. If you abandon your quest for pussy altogether, you're screwed.
Don't become a bitter incel. Instead, satisfy your hunger for rail babies by falling for the next best thing: quality POV porn. POV porn is the only fetish that can make you feel like an alpha. You can feel like you're fucking, strangling and kissing an erotic porn star in a scene, and unless you want to spend thousands of dollars on a VR rig and a pocket pussy with real-time tactile feedback, there's no better immersion. Thousands of POV videos on POV videos, photos, GIFs and collections to protect your dignity and masturbate to.
One of the oldest porn sites on the Internet is still going strong.
Fappers who haven't heard of don't know what they've been doing with their lives: the site has been around since 1995 and attracts 40 million users every month. Generations of sex-starved teenagers have typed its domain into the search bar with hopes and dreams and discovered that it is a veritable treasure trove of pornography. It really is a sight to behold. But of course, today we're not going to roll up our sleeves and look into every corner of this site, we're going to focus only on the visual contact pornography known as POV.
You'll know you've come to the right place when you see lecherous girls taking deep throats and making eye contact through the screen. You can also click on "POV" under "Categories" in the title options. You can also go the hard way and go directly to Or click on the image link at the top of this review. See Don't say we don't do anything for you motherfuckers.
Browse through thousands of POV videos, Gifs, galleries and boards.
There are quite a few options available. However, I'm a little frustrated that none of the options include a native dark theme. We've been doing this for decades. Add a simple button to the home page and watch for praise. Either way, you can work with several different formats here - GIFs are the most popular option, but you can filter the catalog by video, photos and user-generated content boards. Speaking of users: if you want to pin images and create your own feed of attention-worthy content from your favorite users, fetishists and porn stars, you canAnd that's a pretty minor complaint, considering that this site does everything else right. I certainly can't say that about most other porn sites. The catalog is full of POV content. You can easily get as much content as you want without paying for it. What more could a picky fucker want. In real life, you can't get a beautiful woman to come off the screen and dick your dick. It's not technically possible yet. For now, this site is the best you can come up with.
Final thoughts on ThePornDude
The POV category on is one of the best sources of amateur and professional POV porn. No, really, you should download this site to your browser if you haven't already. This is such a good site. There are so many sucky, titty, asshole POV videos, gifs and images that you won't know what to do with them. It's time to get your ass up and explore this catalog. I'm sure you'll find some great masturbation material here. I encourage you fappers to get out there and check it out.
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- High-quality content
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- Advertising
- Nothing yet